Where's Baldo?

To baldly go where others have gone before.

Hi there, I'm Baldo! Welcome to my tech and travel blog.

I post about various tech-related things, depending mostly on what projects I happen to be working on at the time, and travel-related posts based on where I currently am or have just visited. This blog is still a work-in-progress, so apologies for any missing features!

You can check out my about page for more info on the site and my goals if you'd like. Otherwise, I hope you're able to find something useful here to help you with your tech or travel-related journey!

Latest Posts

Cover Image for Climbing Ham Rong (Dragon) Mountain, in Sapa, Vietnam
:: 6 min read

Climbing Ham Rong (Dragon) Mountain, in Sapa, Vietnam

Dragon, or Ham Rong Mountain, in Sapa, Vietnam, is a small mountain that offers some pretty gardens with a variety of flowers, and panoramic views of Sapa.

Cover Image for Google Sheets: Use Built-in Functions to Fetch JSON API Data
:: 8 min read

Google Sheets: Use Built-in Functions to Fetch JSON API Data

In this post I show you how to fetch JSON data from an API, in Google Sheets, without requiring additional auth scopes, and without having to set up triggers in Apps Script.

Cover Image for Hiking Muong Hoa Valley, Sapa, Vietnam
:: 5 min read

Hiking Muong Hoa Valley, Sapa, Vietnam

If you're in Sapa, Vietnam, you really don't have to look far to find a beautiful scenic hike, but one of the most popular is the Muong Hoa valley hike.

Popular in Tech

Cover Image for Fix "Cannot find module ..." TypeScript errors in VS Code
:: 5 min read

Fix "Cannot find module ..." TypeScript errors in VS Code

"Cannot find module" errors can pop-up when using TypeScript with VS Code. In this post I'll show you how to properly set up your IDE to avoid these errors.

Cover Image for Fix "Unknown at rule @tailwind" errors in VS Code
:: 4 min read

Fix "Unknown at rule @tailwind" errors in VS Code

TailwindCSS can be great for styling, but VS Code isn't set up for it by default. In this post, I'll show you how to fix "Unknown at rule @..." errors in VS Code.

Cover Image for 5 Ways to Redirect URLs in Next.JS
:: 6 min read

5 Ways to Redirect URLs in Next.JS

There are several ways to implement static and dynamic URL redirection in Next JS. In this post, we'll explore 5 different methods you can use, and some of their caveats.

Cover Image for Build a Weather Widget Using Next.js
:: 7 min read

Build a Weather Widget Using Next.js

In this Next.js tutorial, we'll learn how to create a simple weather widget using Next.js, React, and OpenWeatherMap.

Cover Image for Understanding PostgreSQL RLS, and When to Use it
:: 5 min read

Understanding PostgreSQL RLS, and When to Use it

Row Level Security, or RLS, is one of PostgreSQL's most powerful features. But what exactly is it, and why would you need it?

Cover Image for In a World with AI, Where Will the Future of Developers Lie?
:: 7 min read

In a World with AI, Where Will the Future of Developers Lie?

A lot has been said about the future of AI and how it will affect the job market. In this post, I give my prediction of what the next generation of developers will be.

Cover Image for Updating Turborepo to use Yarn Berry
:: 4 min read

Updating Turborepo to use Yarn Berry

Vercel's Turborepo starter doesn't play well with Yarn Berry by default. In this post, I show you how to make them work together for a better monorepo experience.

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Popular in Travel

Cover Image for Unique and Delicious Ice Cream From Around the World
:: 10 min read

Unique and Delicious Ice Cream From Around the World

I've had the privilege of trying some really unique and delicious ice cream in a number of different countries around the world. This is my list of favourites.

Cover Image for 2 Days in Killarney, Ireland
:: 11 min read

2 Days in Killarney, Ireland

Killarney, which is a town, not a city, was the absolute highlight of my trip to Ireland. It's absolutely stunning, and packed full of beauty and history.

Cover Image for MerPerle Hon Tam Resort, Nha Trang, Vietnam
:: 6 min read

MerPerle Hon Tam Resort, Nha Trang, Vietnam

MerPerle Hon Tam Resort is a 5-star island resort with hotel-style rooms, private bungalows, and villas with private pools. This is my review of our 2 days there.

Cover Image for Thinking about Taking a Sleeper Bus in Vietnam?
:: 5 min read

Thinking about Taking a Sleeper Bus in Vietnam?

We decided to take a sleeper bus from Hanoi to Sapa, and it was an *interesting* experience. Here's what it was like, and what you can expect...

Cover Image for Pointe-à-Callière Museum of Archaeology and History, Montreal, Canada
:: 9 min read

Pointe-à-Callière Museum of Archaeology and History, Montreal, Canada

The Pointe-à-Callière Museum of Archaeology and History, like it's name suggests, is a museum about the histpry of Montreal, built on it's original foundations.

Cover Image for Da Nang Beaches - Pham Van Dong vs. My Khe
:: 5 min read

Da Nang Beaches - Pham Van Dong vs. My Khe

Da Nang is quite well known for its beaches, but there are two main beaches: Pham Van Dong beach and My Khe beach. How do they fare, and which one is better?

Cover Image for Botanical Gardens, Montreal, Canada
:: 6 min read

Botanical Gardens, Montreal, Canada

Montréal Botanical Garden is a botanical garden in Montréal, Quebec, Canada that houses one of the most extensive collections of plants in the world.

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